Sunday, August 17, 2014

Just a month

...and it will be over. ;-)

Working a lot of hours per week on this module (again) as finally I have to re-structure my document into the EMA anyway. The idea progressing a document at all times during the module instead of doing separated TMAs was to avoid this step but finally I had so much information in my last TMA that I need to do a lot of work at this stage as well.

Under pressure at the moment but looking at the light at the end of the tunnel that is now starting to get shape as a way of relieving part of that pressure and find strength to get forwards. Hopefully the tunnel will not crash on December just before I go out :-).

I'm now thinking about not progressing my Foundation degree in Leadership and Management next year else studying seriously for the PRINCE2 certifications that I needed to stop last year to dedicate myself entirely to the project this year and then I will be starting my MSc in August 2015 (if the Uni accepts me) as I cannot start sooner.

Keep calm and carry on.