Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Studying with or without physical books, that is the question

Yesterday I went into the M362 forum to discover a message regarding the intention of The OU to replace the physical materials (books, etc.) with online materials only.

It seems to be the debate started in a Science forum and it has been said that The OU has confirmed its intention to go 'paperless' (the term 'paperless' is my way of describing it, not that I'm aware it appears in the conversations).

If some of you want to add your voice to let The OU know you prefer to have physical books provided there is an epetition here:


Please note that I have no direct relation with the epetition website or this epetition in particular. I have signed it as I believe what they are trying to achieve is positive for future students and my only interest with this post is to let you know it exists.